How does a dentist remove a tooth?

dentist holding extracted tooth

Your dentist may recommend pulling out a tooth for various reasons.

A tooth may need to be extracted due to decay, infection, impaction, trauma, crowding, or orthodontic work. Regardless of the reason, your dentist won't remove your tooth if it still can be saved. Removal is always the last resort.

Often, tooth extraction is a simple procedure. You can leave the office right after, and it only takes a single visit to complete. But for complex cases, such as impacted wisdom teeth, your dentist or oral surgeon may require more time.

Tooth removal can be simple or surgical. Here's how your dentist does it.

Simple dental extractions

For simple tooth removal, your dentist applies local anesthesia to numb the area. You may still feel some pressure, but any discomfort is minimized or eliminated.

Your dentist then uses an elevator, a dental instrument that helps loosen the tooth. Afterward, they use extraction forceps, a plier-like dental tool, to pull the tooth out. Extraction forceps come in different designs to accommodate various tooth shapes and locations.

Once the tooth is out, your dentist inspects the area, cleans the socket, and removes any debris or fragments left. They also apply gauze, which you need to bite down on, to control the bleeding.

Surgical dental extractions

You may require a surgical dental extraction if the tooth is not yet visible, has not fully erupted, or is impacted. This is often the case with wisdom tooth extractions.

Oral surgeons usually perform a surgical dental extraction, but your general dentist may be able to do it too.

The procedure begins with numbing the tooth area. Next, your surgeon makes a small incision in the gum to reach the tooth. Depending on the tooth condition, your surgeon may remove it as a single piece or break it down first into smaller pieces.

Once the tooth is extracted, your dentist cleans and shapes the socket to ensure no fragments or sharp edges are left.

What's the difference between simple and surgical dental extractions?

In general, how your dentist performs simple and surgical dental extractions is similar.

Specific steps and duration may vary depending on the complexity of the removal, the number of teeth to be removed, and comfort level.

If you have dental anxiety, for instance, your dentist may check in with you more often to ensure you feel comfortable. Your dental team may then need to make adjustments for the removal to go smoothly.

At the end of the procedure, your dentist provides you with care instructions to help you recover fast and avoid issues at the extraction site.

Everyone may need a tooth removed at one point

Everyone wants to keep their natural teeth as much as possible. But there are instances when tooth removal is necessary.

Often, people ask if you can go to the dental office and have a tooth removed right away. Is this possible?

It can be possible to remove a tooth quickly, but it's important to have the area checked first to see if extraction is the right solution. You will require an examination to determine if the procedure will be simple or complicated.

If you're in the Kemptville area and feel that you need a tooth removed, Contact us today at (613) 258-7373.

We're happy to help you schedule a consultation with the dentist or answer any dental-related questions you have.