What to Expect When You Get an Invisalign Treatment

Invisalign is a dental straightening procedure preferred by many for its transparent and discreet look. It invisibly fixes crooked teeth, underbite, overbite, and other types of misalignment by gradually moving the teeth to the ideal formation.

Unlike metal braces, clear aligners are removable so they are easy to clean and allow you to carry out other oral hygiene routines conveniently. Many Invisalign clients also reported that the procedure was not that painful. Clear aligners help improve self-image and boost confidence, which has significant implications for one’s study, career, love life, and other social functions.

And don’t worry about temporary speech impediments that may be embarrassing to you. Invisalign is tightly fitted to your teeth, which means it has little to no effect on your speech.

Are you thinking of enhancing your smile by getting an Invisalign treatment? Here’s what you can expect from the entire procedure:

  1. Appointment and consultation

    Your journey to straight teeth starts with an appointment. The first dental visit includes a crucial check-up. The dentist will examine your teeth to determine if the type and severity of the misalignment make you eligible for an Invisalign treatment. Existing dental conditions and interventions have to be identified in order to provide the best orthodontic procedure for your situation. Your dentist might ask questions about your dental history.

    It’s important to communicate all your concerns, questions, or worries to your dentist to ensure safety and secure the best results. If you’re found to be qualified for the treatment, you’ll move on to the next part of the process.

  2. Creating the mold

    Clear aligners are custom-fit just for you and this doesn’t happen magically. To follow your tooth formation, a mold or a model of your dental region has to be created. This can be done in the traditional way, where you will be asked to bite on a clay mold, which will, of course, create a perfect cast for your teeth. The other, more advanced method is performed with the aid of digital scans, photographs, and x-rays. These two molding methods both generate a model of your dental condition, which will be used to form the clear aligners. They have to follow your tooth formation so that misalignments are corrected gradually and effectively.

  3. Pick up your Invisalign retainer

    Your own dental model will have to be sent to Invisalign specialists so they can work on it. You won’t usually get your Invisalign aligners the same day the mold is created. But depending on the number of clients and some other factors, you’ll get it as soon as possible and your dentist will surely inform you about this.

    Now, the moment it’s ready, go to the dentist to pick it up and it’s going to be fitted to you. The dentist may add some small attachments to the aligner so it fits better. Make sure to listen when the dentist discusses the aftercare procedures and other instructions on how to use them for the best results.

  4. Follow-up appointments

    Invisalign is a gradual process that requires a series of retainers that will progressively straighten your teeth. Usually every two weeks, you will be given new clear aligners depending on your teeth movements. The dentist will examine changes and improvements in the formation to monitor the progress and determine the next steps. If something goes amiss, a new model of your dental region may have to be made again to ensure that you’re heading straight to a wonderful smile.

Invisalign treatment at Kemptville Smiles Dentistry

You can see improvements in your tooth alignment after two to three weeks of Invisalign treatment. Make sure to wear your retainers properly for at least 20 hours a day, and in no time, you will smile with more brilliance and confidence. For more questions about dental care, message Kemptville Smiles Dentistry.